Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sweet Pea Pilot Caps

i absolutely LOVE pilot caps for little boys. My kieron is a fussy baby. he cries a lot. a whole lot.
(EDIT: actually this is an old post from before the Great Blogger Outage of 2011, when this blog disappeared. now i'm putting it back up, but it's no longer true that Kieron cries a whole lot. when he was 2 1/2 months old, i think he was finally ready to have been born, and has smiled much more and cried much less since. Just to be fair to the Kieron, i wanted to point that out. also, it might encourage someone with a fussy babe, it gets better, sometimes sooner than you expect. okay, read on.)
But, sometimes he calms down instantly when we put his hand-me-down hat on his head.  My mom had made it the previous year, out of a recycled t-shirt. it was great for keeping the wind out of aiden's ears on during the Easter egg hunt at great-gramma's house.

Aiden modeling a pilot cap
This is a great link for making a pilot cap

The ones in these pictures were made by my mom, using that basic pattern. but mom never follows instructions exactly - a trait she passed on to me :D
Her caps have one layer - no interfacing - and used upcycled cotton/lycra shirts as the fabric and FOE (fold over elastic) for the binding.

if you try this pattern with these idea, let us know how it works for you! and if you'd like, comment and link to a picture of your finished product on your blog, it'd be fun to see what you made!
more ideas for upcycling old t-shirts later - don't forget to become a follower, or add my blog to your reader, so you don't miss the ideas!

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